Autor: Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker is the author of the Chief Marketing Technologist blog,, where he has been tracking the rise of marketing technology — and the profession of marketing technologists — for 10 years. He is the Programme Chair of the MarTech conference and author of the book Hacking Marketing.Scott also serves as the VP platform ecosystem at HubSpot, helping to grow and nurture the company's community of technology partners. Previously, he was the co-founder and CTO of ion interactive, a pioneer of interactive content marketing software to many of the world's leading brands.Scott has had articles published in Advertising Age, Adweek, Harvard Business Review, and TechCrunch. He holds degrees in computer science from Columbia University and Harvard University and an MBA from MIT. Connect with him on Twitter @chiefmartec.

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Marketing and/or technology?

How MarTech is changing the landscape of marketing? How to select and invest in technology? And finally - what is the future of the marketing & technology marriage? - find out the answers for these and more questions in an interview with Scott Brinker, CEO HubSpot and The interview took place during the InfoShare conference 8-9 May 2019.

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